About us
Watches, chocolate, and… swisstech!
We put the spotlight on the exceptional performance of the Swiss innovation ecosystem.
Why a swisstech campaign?
The swisstech campaign is a private-public initiative supported by Presence Switzerland, Innosuisse, Swissnex and Switzerland Global Enterprise. The campaign aims to raise Switzerland's profile as a world-leading innovative location for business and to increase the visibility of its deeptech and other state-of-the-art companies as well as of its research excellence abroad.
Follow #swisstech to discover the best Swiss Made technology at the most relevant global tech events. As an outstanding innovation and technology hub, Switzerland is an attractive location for investors and foreign companies.
swisstech partners
Presence Switzerland
Presence Switzerland (PRS), a unit of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) is competent for the image of Switzerland. It supports the protection of Switzerland’s interests by using various public relations tools. Its aim is to make you discover our country and its numerous assets! Its tasks include transmitting general knowledge about Switzerland, the forging of understanding for it, as well as a portrayal of Switzerland’s diversity and attractiveness.
PRS implements this mandate through campaigning, projects abroad, hosting visits by foreign journalists and decision-makers to Switzerland, digital marketing, developing and distributing information media in other countries about Switzerland. It also manages Switzerland’s appearances at major international events such as the Swiss pavilion at World Expos and tech fairs around the world.
In a constantly changing world, innovation is needed for the Switzerland of tomorrow. Innosuisse, the Swiss Innovation Agency, promotes science-based innovation through project funding, networking, training and coaching, laying the groundwork for successful Swiss start-ups, products and services. Through this targeted support, Innosuisse catalyzes Swiss innovation and enables the creation of jobs to generate economical and societal value.

swissnex network
Swissnex is the global network connecting Switzerland and the world in education, research, and innovation. Its mission is to support its partners outreach and engagment in the international exchange of knowledge, ideas and talent. It thereby contributes to strengthen Switzerland's profile as a world-leading innovation hotspot.
Swissnex is a launchpad for Swiss startups in some of the world's leading technology and innovation hubs. Its equity-free startup programs are customized to the needs of entrepreneurs.
The core value of swissnex consists of:
- Connecting its partners to thriving innovation ecosystems worldwide
- Advising on trends and opportunities in science, education and innovation
- Promoting the visibility of Swiss higher education and research institutions start-ups and other innovation-driven partner organizations
- Inspiring new ideas by promoting knowledge exchange

Switzerland Global Enterprise
Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE) is the official Swiss organization for export and investment promotion with around 200 employees at offices throughout Switzerland and in 31 countries. It supports Swiss SMEs in their international business and help innovative foreign companies to establish in Switzerland. In doing so, S-GE relies on a unique network of national and global partners. This is how it creates added value for their clients and prosperity for Switzerland.
As a non-profit organization, it provides a public service for our clients on behalf of the Swiss Confederation (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO) and the cantons. It operates 27 offices, known as Swiss Business Hubs and Trade Points, in 31 countries jointly with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA. Thanks to its global network of partners, S-GE supports their clients in many other countries.